When the temperatures drop, your heater becomes the heart of your home’s comfort. But what happens when it starts acting up? Ignoring minor issues can lead to bigger, more expensive problems—not to mention a cold house when you need warmth the most. Here are some signs that your heater needs repairs now.
North Central Florida Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Alachua’
2024: The Year to Go Ductless
Monday, July 8th, 2024
As we stride through 2024, homeowners and businesses alike are increasingly recognizing the benefits of ductless HVAC systems.
These innovative systems, also known as mini-split systems, offer unparalleled flexibility, efficiency, and comfort. Whether you’re upgrading an existing setup or building from scratch, choosing ductless mini splits in Alachua can be a game-changer. Here’s why 2024 is the year to make the switch.
Maintenance: An Opportunity for Success
Monday, October 9th, 2023
Maintenance isn’t just a service that you opt into and get the benefits from. It could be so much more than that, but unfortunately, word hasn’t hit many of our customers in the area yet. As long as you work with a trusted, friendly technician, maintenance can be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your HVAC systems, their efficiency, and how to operate them successfully.
Today, we’re going to prove that maintenance is an opportunity to achieve success, and we’ll break down all the reasons why this is the case.
If you were on the fence about maintenance before, we hope this is enough to push you over the edge to the other side. Not only is maintenance worth it from a technical perspective, but it can do wonders for your peace of mind and home efficiency.
It’s Time for Maintenance!
Monday, September 11th, 2023
Temperatures are still scorchingly hot, but they won’t be for very long. We’ve got some cooler, more mild temperatures on their way this winter, which means you’ll want your air conditioner to be maintained and in good shape for next summer.
This can be achieved with routine maintenance which we recommend each and every one on of our customers purchases. But we don’t expect you to just purchase maintenance with a recommendation from the team that provides it! That’s why we’ll go into detail today as to why maintenance is such an effective service and why now is the best time for it.
This might sound like a sales pitch, but it’s absolutely not one. The benefits of AC maintenance in Alachua are supported by cold hard facts, and we’d rather treat this like a PSA than the selling of a service to our customers.
The 3 Major Benefits of AC Maintenance
Monday, May 15th, 2023
Getting your air conditioner “maintained” might sound like a kind of luxury service—but it’s not. Many people simply think that having a family friend look at the system, or just doing a quick inspection of the outside cabinet is enough, but these complex systems require more.
Sure, your air conditioner might continue to function well if you skip a year of maintenance, but it will likely get worn down and will have trouble lasting its full lifespan. Then, you’ll be confused when you reach year seven of owning the system and it’s already old, broken, and requiring replacement. That’s never a good feeling.
Air conditioning maintenance in Alachua, FL is designed to keep your system running effectively and efficiently. That 10–15 year lifespan we dream of having from our AC systems is only really achievable with routine maintenance every year.
How a UV Air Purifier Works
Monday, July 11th, 2022
You’ve probably heard about the fact that hospitals have state-of-the-art air purifiers and filters that stop contaminants from cycling through the HVAC system. In a place like a hospital or a restaurant, this can be important to stop the spread of germs and keep things in isolation. However, not many homeowners actually know how these systems work! Well, today we’d like to end that trend by giving our readers a chance to see the inner workings of a UV air purifier and understand how this system can improve your home.
You might not want to have your home as sterile as a hospital, but you can take steps today to improve the air quality with an air purifier in Alachua, FL. Our air purification technology is proven to eliminate germs like viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. Keep reading to learn how!
AC: Our Guide to Repair
Monday, November 9th, 2020
How has your air conditioner been functioning this year? Regardless of how excited you are to finally give it a little rest for a few months, we do live in Florida, which means that those pesky repairs and inefficiency problems will come back a lot sooner than you think. Instead of ignoring those problems as we head into a mild winter, why not get them addressed?
AC repair in Alachua, FL can be an important service that keeps your system running smoothly year after year. Any repair issue that needs to be addressed now could end up compounding into something worse down the line.
Our team is the one to choose when it comes to limiting costs, inefficiencies, and repair needs. We’ll get your system set straight and keep you happy for longer. Keep reading to find out why.
Protect Your Health with a UV Light Purifier
Monday, April 13th, 2020
We understand that keeping you and your family safe during such an uncertain period is at the forefront of priorities right now. We’re your neighborhood HVAC company that’s just trying to help you reach this goal. From our comfort solutions and our affordable indoor air quality systems, we’re still here and trying to help where we can. However, we’d like to talk today specifically about ultraviolet light purifiers, also known as UV light purifiers which can be a handy tool in keeping your home clean.
Having an air purifier in Alachua, FL installed can be a huge step in making your home safe from harmful organisms like bacteria, viruses, and anything that could contribute to illnesses in your home. While it’s not the be-all-end-all solution for health issues, this system in combination with safe sanitation practices can be a great defense against harmful airborne particles.
How to Hire a Great AC Repair Technician
Monday, June 10th, 2019
If you want a great technician to handle your air conditioning repair, then you need a great air conditioning company. You rely on your cooling system on almost a daily basis in this part of the world, and therefore you need it to function at its best. Therefore, you wouldn’t want to trust its service to just anyone.
We recommend partnering with a knowledgeable and trustworthy HVAC contractor for whatever your air conditioning or heating needs are. You don’t want to rush into a decision and just go with an amateur repair professional just because it’s cheaper. Remember, the phrase, “you get what you pay for” often rings true for jobs like this. We encourage you to do your research and partner with the best HVAC company and AC repair technician you can find. We’ve provided some guidelines below on how you can ensure this is the case.
Improve AC Efficiency with These Simple Tips
Monday, October 15th, 2018
When you live someplace like Florida, it goes without saying that an air conditioner is an absolute must. It’s needed to make homes in our region not only comfortable for the families in them, but bearable. However, if your cooling system doesn’t work the way you expect it to, then it’s time to call for air conditioning repair in Alachua, FL, particularly if you skipped maintenance this past spring (though, it’s never too late to get it on your schedule).
That being said, repair needs are not the only reason that your AC system may not be working as efficiently as it should be able to. The good news is, there is something you can do about! Keep reading for some tips on how to utilize your air conditioner most efficiently, and give our team a call if you suspect any operational problems.