North Central Florida Air Conditioning Blog

What Is Lurking in Your Ductwork?

February 18th, 2019


If you are like most homeowners, chances are that you don’t give the condition of your home’s ductwork much thought. We understand! After all, most, if not all, of your air ducts are hidden from sight, traveling through spaces between walls and through your attic. Exposed ductwork might look fine in places like quirky restaurants and commercial businesses with high ceilings, but you don’t want it showing in your home.

This doesn’t mean your ductwork should be completely out of mind, though. Ductwork that has suffered damage or accumulated too much dust, dirt, and debris will lead to poor HVAC performance and subsequently high energy bills. What you need to avoid this is professional duct cleaning services!

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Before You Shut Off You Furnace This Season, Tackle These Repair Needs

February 4th, 2019

technician-looking-over-furnaceIt’s hard to say “it’s cold out” and not feel a little guilty, considering what Midwest residents have been dealing with lately. But, let’s face it, around here our baseline temperatures for summer is so high that when winter hits, it does feel cold to us! At least, cold enough to use our furnaces on a nightly basis for at least a couple of months.

Yet, temperatures are warming again, and that ever familiar humidity is rising, which means it’s almost time to shut off our furnaces for good this season in favor of our AC systems. This doesn’t mean you should just forget about your furnace until next year, however! If you were alerted to any repair needs during your pre-season maintenance appointment, or if you detect signs of disrepair, now is the time to call our pros for an inspection. But, what exactly are the signs that you need heating repairs?

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Your Heater Use May Be Brief, But Should Also Be Efficient

January 21st, 2019

Life is great. Joyful young girl is relaxing at home. She is sitting near window and drinking coffeeLet’s face it, here in Florida, we don’t get a lot of use out of our heating systems. Especially if you are one of the many homeowners around here that are using a furnace rather than a year-round heat pump or ductless system. Just because you’re using a furnace though, and just because you won’t be using it for as many weeks as homeowners in colder parts of the country, doesn’t mean you can’t save money while keeping your home comfortable.

Nobody should have to overpay for their comfort. This is especially true if you call on our team for expert HVAC services in Lake City, FL, as we will help you maintain both your heating and cooling systems for optimal longevity and peak performance. And the good news is that there are very simple things you can do around your home to boost the efficiency, and therefore the cost-effectiveness, of using your furnace. Keep reading for some tips on how to do so!

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What Can a Smart Thermostat Do for Your Home?

January 7th, 2019

Remote home control system on a digital tablet or phone.There is a particular component of HVAC systems that doesn’t seem to get a lot of attention but is extremely important to the functionality of those systems. We’re talking about the thermostat!

The old manual “slider” thermostats are very much out of date, and inaccurate. Even digital thermostats without programming options are becoming obsolete. The option that many homeowners are now turning to is the smart thermostat, or rather the WiFi thermostat. If you’re interested in checking out options for yourself, be sure to give our pros a call. Our technicians are experts in home automation, including the installation of these smart thermostats.

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“Does the Size of My Furnace Matter?”

December 24th, 2018

furnace venting outsideIf you’re shopping for a new furnace this time of the year, you likely have a lot on your plate. True, we obviously don’t need to worry about frigid temperatures in our part of the country. However, given the baseline of temperatures we’re used to the majority of the year, when those temperatures do drop in the wintertime, we’re thankful for efficient and effective heating systems!

So when it comes time to replace yours, you may be tempted to rush out and just buy the biggest one that will fit your budget. Well, we don’t recommend this. One of the most important reasons we don’t is because size truly does matter, in this case. If your furnace is too large, or too small, you’ll be unpleasantly surprised by the impact.

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When Should You Schedule Your Heating Tune-Up?

December 10th, 2018

white question mark in blue circle on white backgroundIf you lived in the Midwest, the answer to this would have been “probably a couple months ago!” But fortunately, Florida residents have a bit more leniency. In fact, most winters are extremely mild and you may not even need your heater that much. Still though, even if you only need it for a week, you want it to work at its best, right? If this is the case, then scheduling maintenance for this system once a year is essential.

Delaying the call to schedule your maintenance inspection and tune-up could leave you without a properly functioning heater right when you need it the most.

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3 Reasons Not to Neglect Your AC As Temps Cool

November 26th, 2018

white question mark in blue circle on white backgroundThis is it! Temperatures are finally cooling down a bit and we’ll get some reprieve. What’s more, our air conditioners will get some reprieve, and as a result, so will our energy bills. This is a huge relief to most homeowners throughout Florida, who of course use their cooling systems far more than they do their heaters.

But it’s important to remember that because of this fact, your cooling system goes under a lot of stress, for nearly 9 months (and sometimes longer when we’re having a “winter” heat wave). As a result, it can accumulate wear and tear beyond what’s standard for the average AC system. Annual preventive maintenance will help fend off the costliest and most emergent of air conditioning repairs in Live Oak, FL, but even if you had this done last spring, that doesn’t mean you should neglect your air conditioner now as the cooling season ends.

In fact, here are 3 solid reasons not to!

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Allergies Acting Up? Consider the Cleanliness of Your Ducts

November 12th, 2018

before-after-cleaned-ductHave you ever invested in duct cleaning in Gainesville, FL? This may not seem like a very important service, but it does actually come with a number of benefits.

While it might seem like your air ducts are just a minor part of the entire heating and cooling system, they are actually very important to the operation of both! If you want to keep your home comfort systems functioning as efficiently and effectively as they can, and keep your indoor air quality high to avoid aggravated allergies, then you should make sure that you get your ducts cleaned on a regular basis.

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Don’t Let Scary AC Noises Haunt You This Halloween

October 29th, 2018

Keep silence. Scared woman covering mouth with hands while posing to camera on gray studio background. Shocked girl close lips with palms, speak no evil conceptIt’s that time of year! You know, the time where homeowners all throughout the country are shutting their air conditioner off for the season in favor of their heating system.

Well, all except for us. Air conditioning in Lake City, FL is pretty much a year-round need. So if you’re starting to hear strange noises coming from your cooling system, it can sure seem concerning. How bad the problem is that’s causing those noises depends on the particular sound you are hearing. But don’t worry, your air conditioner isn’t haunted—probably.

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Improve AC Efficiency with These Simple Tips

October 15th, 2018

top view of an outdoor AC unitWhen you live someplace like Florida, it goes without saying that an air conditioner is an absolute must. It’s needed to make homes in our region not only comfortable for the families in them, but bearable. However, if your cooling system doesn’t work the way you expect it to, then it’s time to call for air conditioning repair in Alachua, FL, particularly if you skipped maintenance this past spring (though, it’s never too late to get it on your schedule).

That being said, repair needs are not the only reason that your AC system may not be working as efficiently as it should be able to. The good news is, there is something you can do about! Keep reading for some tips on how to utilize your air conditioner most efficiently, and give our team a call if you suspect any operational problems.

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