North Central Florida Air Conditioning Blog

Don’t Delay, Go Ductless Today!

December 23rd, 2019

heat pump systemDuctless heating systems are all the rage these days, and for good reason! They’re hyper-efficient, powerful enough to last all season in our climate, and they’re flexible where other heating systems can be a drag. If you’re looking to upgrade your aging heater or you’re just trying to see what efficient systems are out there, look no further!

Today we’re going to be going over some of the advantages of a ductless heating system. We understand, our heaters aren’t used too much in this climate, but homes still need a way to deal with the few chilly nights that occur every year. If you decide to look into ductless systems in Gainesville, FL we promise you that you’ll be surprised by the sheer amount of benefits that can come from it, not to mention the amount of money you’ll save.

Not convinced? Let’s take a look.

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Reduce Your Home’s Draftiness with a Blower Door Test

December 9th, 2019

If you just leaned back in your chair and asked, with a puzzled look, “what’s a blower door test?” then you’ve come to the right place! Not enough homeowners know exactly what a blower door test is, and how it can help them save money by locating air leaks within their home.

Imagine that you’ve got two homes, one with comprehensive insulation service done and the other without. On a 95 degree day, the home that’s got plenty of insulation will have no problem paying as little as possible in energy costs for their air conditioner to run. The poorly insulated house will be like trying to run an air conditioner outdoors, you’ll only be cool if you’re right next to the vent—and even that might not be good enough on an especially hot day.

When it comes to insulation services, a blower door test could be the key to keeping your house insulated and efficient. Let us explain!

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Addressing the Most Common Heat Pump Problems

November 25th, 2019

Heat pumps are reliable, efficient, and effective forms of heating, but they’re not perfect. No heating system will realistically run for decades straight without a single problem occurring, that’s just not how these systems really work. They’re composed of many different components that all work together, some of those components will have trouble and hinder the process of your heating or cooling.

That being said, it could make you feel better knowing the problems that are most likely to occur with your heat pump. We work on these systems all the time, and when considering the types of heater repair in Lake City, FL there are a few likely culprits to come up. If you keep reading, we’ll get into the most common problems surrounding heat pumps and what they usually mean for the future of your heating system.

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Yuck! Time to Clear Up Those Dirty Ducts!

November 11th, 2019

Would you think us crazy to say that your clothes need to be cleaned after one or two uses? How about if we said that your floor could use a good mopping every month or two? By no means are these statements farfetched, and we’d like to expand that category of “things that should be cleaned” to include your air ducts. We know, they’re out of sight and nobody attending your holiday party is going to be able to see them, so why even bother right?

That’s where you’d be wrong! Duct cleaning services can be necessary to improve indoor air quality, save energy costs, and keep your heating and air conditioning system functioning at full capacity. If the health of your family is as important as we think it is, you might want to pause for a brief moment and listen to what we’ve got to say.

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Why an Energy Recovery Ventilator Will Save You Money

October 28th, 2019

If you’re like most homeowners, you might not have heard of an energy recovery ventilator before. These systems sound like alien technology to a lot of people, which is why we tend to call them ERVs for the sake of brevity. It’s easier to talk about ERV systems when it comes to how they can relate to your AC, heating, and indoor air quality.

These are devices that are meant to save you money on cooling and heating costs while also allowing you to breathe fresh air in your home. Some homeowners mistakenly believe that this is impossible since a major part of air conditioning or heating is having a tightly sealed house. Though, as we’ll be discussing below, you can absolutely have the best of both worlds! ERVs and HRVs are a major part of HVAC services, and luckily for you, they’re something that we specialize in!

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The Difference Between a Correct and Incorrect AC Installation

October 14th, 2019

We’re always baffled by homeowners who spend all this money on an expensive new air conditioner, only to throw it away by having it poorly installed by a handyman or family member. Not that we have anything against having your gifted uncle make a few repairs around the house, but your air conditioner should not be one of them. Improper air conditioner installation is an ugly monster that rears its head in our community every once in a while, always bringing bad news and that looming sense of dread when you hear how much money a replacement system will cost.

In order to avoid costly replacements or AC repair in Lake City, FL, you’re going to want to have your system professionally installed. Nope, it doesn’t matter how much money you could save by having your family friend install it for you, one tiny mistake could lead to a nasty expense down the line.

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The Benefits of Frequent Filter Changes

September 30th, 2019

Airflow is incredibly important. You’re essentially suffocating your brand-new AC system if you don’t clean or replace the air filters every month or so. We know that it can be a hassle, but having a well-maintained, functioning air conditioner in Florida is essential to keep that high heat and humidity at bay. Without changing the filter, your air conditioner’s lifespan could be cut in half.

Don’t panic! Chances are, if you’re worried about your AC at all, you’re vigilant enough to change the filter before any problems happen. So, before you get up to call the top AC repair company in Gainesville and start wondering about which end of your unit to open up, take a look at our guide on the benefits that come from changing the filter. The knowledge as to why you’re changing the filter could help you remember next time when otherwise you would forget!

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Are Heat Pumps Worth the Hype?

September 16th, 2019

Heat pumps are all the rage these days, while we think there are benefits to all types of air conditioners, there is some truth to the rumors. Ductless air conditioners, or mini-splits as they’re called, these powerful systems are an effective and efficient alternative to those who don’t want extensive ductwork installed in their home. Just because your home is too small or too old for air ducts to be installed, doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from high-quality cooling!

There are many advantages that come with a ductless air conditioner that we will be going over. However, the fact of the matter is, they are definitely worth the hype and if you’ve been thinking about making the switch then this post is just for you. Remember that these big switches should never be considered alone. It’s always a good idea to contact a professional technician when considering a new AC system or for air conditioning repair in Lake City, FL.

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Considering Going Ductless? Here’s What You Should Know!

September 2nd, 2019

As we say often in the industry, we’re living in a ductless world nowadays. Ductless air conditioners are all the rage and for good reason! They’re highly efficient when it comes to energy usage, as well as a few perks that central air conditioners don’t have. However, it’s only right for us to be honest about why it’s necessary to contact a professional for ductless installation. A lot of homeowners think they can set up their air conditioning in Live Oak, FL themselves, but you could run into some serious problems without proper training.

The advantages of ductless air conditioners are well worth the cost of calling a professional for the installation. Don’t take this the wrong way, we highly recommend heat pump air conditioners for their advantages, but it’s always better for consumers to know exactly what they’re getting into. You’ll want to know these few things before you make the dive into ductless technology yourself.

Let’s get started!

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Desperate Ducts in Disrepair

August 19th, 2019

With all our talk about AC repair in Williston, FL, our poor air ducts can sometimes be neglected! Often when you think you’re in need of repairs on your AC, what you’re actually in need of is duct repair. Your central air conditioner’s ductwork is essential to the efficiency of your AC, for starters. But they’re also vital to the actual functionality of the cooling system. Without them, the air that comes from the air handler would never reach the vents inside your home.

As you might imagine, ducts that are in disrepair are bad news. Read on to learn more about what causes ductwork damage, how to prevent and treat it, and why duct repair is not a “do-it-yourself” job.

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