North Central Florida Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is It Finally Time to Replace Your AC?

Monday, June 7th, 2021

You’ve been calling us for years whenever you need an air conditioning repair, and we appreciate it. We’re always willing to improve your life by improving your home! That said, even with our expert technicians being able to complete any job put before us, have you ever considered the fact that you’re calling too much for repairs? An air conditioner that’s frequently breaking down or that needs help too often can be a sign that it’s on its last legs.

We know that it can be hard to say goodby to an AC system that’s stood by you for ten years or more. But this is just a simple fact of the industry, air conditioning in Newberry, FL can only last between 10-15 years before you start paying way more than you should be.

So, in light of trying to save you money and keep your home comfortable, let’s talk about signs your AC needs to be replaced.

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AC FAQ: What Is Refrigerant?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

It’s no surprise that we think about air conditioners a lot here in Florida. We can sometimes even run our AC systems into the ground because we use them for most of the year. While we’re running these systems that keep us so comfortable, it’s important to think every once in a while about how they work.

If you’re a newcomer to the HVAC industry, or you’re an old-timer who wants a bit of a refresher on how your AC system works, then we can help. We want to talk about refrigerant, and answer some questions that homeowners might have about this material and how it relates to your air conditioning in Gainesville, FL.

We’ll go over the recent R-22 phaseout, signs you’ve got a refrigerant leak, and more! Just remember to call our team when you need help.

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Is Humidity Hurting My AC?

Monday, May 10th, 2021

It’s kind of impossible to live in Florida and not be inundated with tons of moisture in the air. When our northern neighbors use the term “muggy,” they’re usually referring to the climate that we experience for most of the year. It’s not crazy to think that humidity can be a real problem in the way of achieving efficiency and comfort.

However, we’re not in the business of stating problems without solutions! If you’re constantly calling us for AC repair in Newberry, FL, it could be from problems that are caused by humidity. After all, humidity can negatively impact your air conditioning to the point where it’s working a lot harder and suffering from wear and tear.

Let’s talk about why excess humidity is bad for your air conditioner, and brainstorm some solutions that can help you out of this predicament!

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Investing in a Heat Pump or Central AC?

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

This is a big question we get often by homeowners in our area. Which system should they invest in, a central air conditioner or a heat pump? Or, a lot of homeowners simply ask, “which system is better?”

This is a trick question. There are no better or worse systems, unless you’re talking about units that are separated by about a decade in age. There are systems that are perfect for some homes, and systems that are better for others. What we’re trying to say is, don’t put these units in a binary of better or worse. It’s time to think about what your home cooling needs are and how our team can help you reach those comfort goals.

Today, we’ll talk about which type of air conditioning installation in Gainesville, FL is better for your home, and how we can start the process as soon as possible.

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3 Quick Fixes for Any AC

Monday, April 19th, 2021

It’s that time of year. Temperatures are slowly rising, and our tolerance for heat and humidity is slowly dwindling as we get used to these new spring temperatures. At first, it’s wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun and notice all of the blooming plants. Then, humidity levels rise and we get downright miserable with our first few heatwaves of the year.

While this might seem fine since you’ve got an air conditioner, what if your air conditioner was really struggling last year? Do you think this year is going to go off without a hitch? If you need AC repair in Gainesville, FL then we urge you to call us for those repairs soon. The sooner the better.

However, if you’re still looking for minor ways to fix or improve your AC aside from professional repairs, then keep reading! We’ll give you a few pointers.

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The 3 Hidden Benefits of AC Maintenance

Monday, December 7th, 2020

We talk a lot about getting air conditioner maintenance on this blog. To give ourselves a little bit of credit, we do live in Florida, and air conditioners are run into the ground from all the heavy use if they aren’t maintained properly. AC maintenance is the first line of defense against costly repairs, issues of a shortened lifespan, and other problems that could be potentially devastating for your air conditioner and your wallet.

However, there is more to air conditioner maintenance than meets the eye. AC maintenance in Gainesville, FL can be the key to saving you money in other aspects as well. Other contractors don’t often mention these hidden benefits because they bank on homeowners forgoing maintenance and calling them back in a few years for an early replacement. With us, we want homeowners to think of AC maintenance as the necessary tool it is.

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The True Value of an AC Warranty

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Let’s face it, we put a lot of strain on our air conditioners throughout the year. We marvel at the fact that our northern neighbors have air conditioners that are 20 years old, while ours can barely manage 15 with the sheer amount of cooling they’re tasked with doing. It’s so important that everyone in our area who has the luxury of utilizing an air conditioner’s warranty keep doing so for as long as possible.

Though, did you know that warranties provide a little bit more than just money savings? They can be a great incentive towards keeping your air conditioner in good condition. We’ll talk a bit today about why it’s so vital that you get a warranty on your AC installation in Gainesville, FL. Remember, do everything you can to avoid voiding that warranty, and call us if you need help.

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AC: Our Guide to Repair

Monday, November 9th, 2020

How has your air conditioner been functioning this year? Regardless of how excited you are to finally give it a little rest for a few months, we do live in Florida, which means that those pesky repairs and inefficiency problems will come back a lot sooner than you think. Instead of ignoring those problems as we head into a mild winter, why not get them addressed?

AC repair in Alachua, FL can be an important service that keeps your system running smoothly year after year. Any repair issue that needs to be addressed now could end up compounding into something worse down the line.

Our team is the one to choose when it comes to limiting costs, inefficiencies, and repair needs. We’ll get your system set straight and keep you happy for longer. Keep reading to find out why.

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Your Yearly AC Report Card

Monday, October 26th, 2020

It’s that time of year again! Another brutal summer has come and gone, and while we might still be dealing with a few hot days to come, the worst of it is over. So, how exactly did your air conditioner do? If you’re unsure as to how to answer that question, then don’t worry, we’ve got the solution for you. It’s time to give your air conditioner the grade it deserves!

So, from A to F, we’re going to grade your air conditioning system for the past year and see where we can go from there. This system should make it fairly obvious if you need help with your air conditioning in Gainesville, FL. Or, if your system is running perfectly, then you really shouldn’t have any problems at all!

Either way, we’re here to help. Just keep reading.

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Are You Having Trouble with Condensation?

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Sure, we all know what condensation is, but not every homeowner knows what it has to do with air conditioning. Condensation is one of the key processes that your system’s refrigerant goes through in order to disperse heat outside of your home. Condensation is also what happens to the moisture in your air when temperatures drop and the water vapor turns back into liquid form. Basically, some air conditioners have an easier time dealing with condensation than others.

Noticing the signs of condensate problems can be a good signal that your air conditioner needs AC repair in Newberry, FL. Water that’s improperly condensed or that’s condensed at the wrong temperatures and pressure can even become ice if you’re not careful. Let’s avoid that kind of outcome by talking about how condensation relates to the cooling process.

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